Fun while it lasted.

Arden Wiebe arden_wiebe at
Sun Apr 13 07:25:22 UTC 2008

I tested fc9 on a 4400+ amd with 4gb ram with a M2V motherboard that included the Attansic Gigabit Ethernet card.  Also included in the test system was a ATI Tech RV515 Radeon X1300 (Secondary) < Whatever that means.

There was also Promise ATA 133 Card attached to two Seagate 160Gb hard drives.  The two IDE slots on the board where also attached to the a pair of identical 160Gb Seagates.  There were also 3 Marvel SATA connectors that were unused. and a spare ST-LAB PATA ITE8212 ATA/133 card that I'm not sure could have been used as part of a raid array but could have been used for two more masters.

Overall the install went well and raid was easily configured.  The system ran well enough.

[root at interesting ~]# df
Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
/dev/md0             151391524   2539832 141037280   2% /
/dev/md1             149360676   4248492 137402600   3% /var
tmpfs                  1674636         0   1674636   0% /dev/shm
//INQUISITIVE/var     18979840   9658880   9320960  51% /root/smb4k/INQUISITIVE/var
[root at interesting ~]# hdparm -T -t /dev/hda

 Timing cached reads:   4248 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2123.99 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  212 MB in  3.02 seconds =  70.26 MB/sec
[root at interesting ~]# hdparm -T -t /dev/hdc

 Timing cached reads:   4452 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2225.93 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  220 MB in  3.02 seconds =  72.84 MB/sec
[root at interesting ~]# hdparm -T -t /dev/hde

 Timing cached reads:   4508 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2253.96 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  130 MB in  3.09 seconds =  42.06 MB/sec
[root at interesting ~]# hdparm -T -t /dev/hdg

 Timing cached reads:   4460 MB in  2.00 seconds = 2230.71 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  114 MB in  3.01 seconds =  37.86 MB/sec
[root at interesting ~]#

I had some trouble with repo mirrors off the start but managed.  I shut off a bunch of services and I had a very stable system.  No error messages or pop ups from packagekit or otherwise.  It felt right running it right from the install and I only ever crashed out once when using gtop.

The graphics where very sharp and wavy off the get go in gnome and I had to reduce screen resolution alot until I started using KDE then everything looked and felt right.

I hope you processed the smolt log for the machine and the hardware.  Testing is over for this machine and despite centos not having the new Attansic ethernet driver I have it up and running on centos 5 now.  The hdparm results above where from centos while copying the entire mysql directory tree over to her and also the entire web root (a lack lustre 750000 files under an hour more or less).  It was pretty much the same with fc9.

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