Keeping debuginfo packages in sync with yum

Christopher Beland beland at
Thu Dec 11 17:22:13 UTC 2008

Right now in rawhide there are a large number of debuginfo package
upgrades pending, for which the corresponding non-debuginfo package(s)
cannot be installed because of dependency problems.  It can also happen
that if you manually upgrade or downgrade a package, it can get out of
sync with its debuginfo package.

Would it be desirable to have some mechanism to track these
relationships, and automatically sync the debuginfo packages, or at
least warn about mismatches?  It would need to 1.) tolerate many-to-one
relationships with some sort of "iff present, must be version X"
semantics, and 2.) tolerate the debuginfo package not being installed at

I think this is a bit different than what is being requested at:
Bug 470691 - debuginfo subpackages do not depend on main package 


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