Cannot build F9 x86_64 w/ jigdo

Ian Burrell ianburrell at
Fri Mar 28 17:50:38 UTC 2008

On Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 11:24 AM, Jesse Keating <jkeating at> wrote:
>  My assumption was bad.  Jigdo isn't to blame here, it looks like the
>  failure is somewhere in mirrormanager.  Even plain wget will fail when
>  giving the url.
>  $ wget
> ""

It makes sense that this would cause problems.  Pluses in query params
are interpreted as spaces.  Whatever does the redirect should escape
"+" to %2d.  Alternatively, the script could be changed to
not interpret "+" as space in params.  This might be harder to
accomplish since the decoding is probably deep in the CGI library.

 - Ian

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