kde 4.1 beta1 planned for f9 too?

Bill Crawford billcrawford1970 at gmail.com
Fri May 30 16:39:39 UTC 2008

2008/5/30 Jesse Keating <jkeating at redhat.com>:

> Well sure, you're not going to get around that no matter what you do.
> It's just a much easier method to "cherry pick" the KDE contents from
> rawhide.

Except by the time you've added all the "--excludes
kdepim,kdepim-libs" and stuff ... :o)

Good point though. If you know you want to try it "all" out, that
would probably help. So far the only deps I saw dragged in were
akonadi and ksysguardd (which I'd forgotten to mention on the command
line the first time).

The openssl dependency bit me when I went f8 -> cherry-picked rawhide,
but I just force-installed the newer openssl with rpm *runs away and
hides before he gets pelted with don't-do-thats*.

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