firefox is regularly dying

Peter Robinson pbrobinson at
Mon Apr 13 00:00:39 UTC 2009

>> when i browse over there, the page starts loading, it displays but the
>> progress bar shows that only about 90% has been loaded, at which point
>> i get an I-beam cursor that i can move around, but nothing else works
>> -- no virtual console, no switching virtual desktop, no Zapping X,
>> nothing.
> Reports seem to indicate this happens to you but not everyone running
> the same browser.  There may be some user-specific profile data which is
> triggering this bug.  Have you tried running Firefox from a newly
> created Unix user account?  If it still happens, it might be worthwhile
> to start disabling plugins and extensions using the menu GUI to see if
> it is any of those.
> You can run "firefox -safe-mode" from the command line to disable all of
> these at once, to determine whether or not it is any of them.

Could be all sorts of config both user and system based. On a system
wide level Adobe flash vs OSS flash (swfdec or gnash) vs no flash,
java, or not or any other combination there of. On a user level there
are all sorts of extensions that could be installed by the user that
could also add to the issues.


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