DNS issues

Richard Körber fedora at ml.shredzone.de
Sun Apr 26 18:57:52 UTC 2009


> What did the /etc/nsswitch.conf file look like after you installed only
> the i586 package?  What I see is that
>     mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return]
> gets inserted into the hosts line.

When no nss_mdns is installed, the host line reads:

   hosts:      files dns

After installing nss_mdns.i586, name resolving is broken. The only changed 
line in nsswitch.conf is the hosts line, which now reads:

   hosts:      files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns

After installing nss_mdns.x86_64 as well, name resolving works again. The 
nsswitch.conf file is unchanged, the hosts line still reads:

   hosts:      files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns

> If there is something like [UNAVAIL=return] or [!SUCCESS=return] then
> this is a problem because the UNAVAIL action is used in case the module
> is missing.

There is nothing like that in the nsswitch.conf even when name resolving is 

Should I file a bug in bugzilla?

Richard "Shred" Körber

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