Fedora QA meeting (Feb 4 2009) notes

Will Woods wwoods at redhat.com
Wed Feb 4 22:06:37 UTC 2009

Log is here:

Quick summary:
== F11 alpha ==
* On its way out. As always, there are some bugs, but it's mostly OK.

* Biggest problem: nash failing to find root filesystem at boot:
workaround(s): change boot commandline to add:
  boot_delay=[some number from 5-30]
and remove 'quiet'.

* We had some problems during the release candidate test cycle because
of mismatched test images. From now on, we want to be sure that *all*
testers are using the same images. (More on this later).

== Wiki use ==
* The QA: namespace is to be used for QA stuff that is *primarily* for
testers - test plans, test cases, debugging tips, etc.
- We'll move the existing QA-specific docs as we find time.
* General-interest documentation should remain in the main namespace.

== Team organization ==
* First, the basic charter:

The QA team's purpose is to ensure the quality of the software produced
by the Fedora project, through testing and other appropriate methods.

* We've decided that we don't currently need a board, voting procedures,
and other formal FESCo-style measures.

* What we *do* need more of is:
- Instructions for new testers!
- Mentoring for new testers!
- Tools to make testing easier!
- Beer! (where applicable)

* Test instructions - e.g. new things to test in rawhide and stable
releases - should be clearly communicated to fedora-test-list

* One thing we *do* need formal organization for: controlling access to
the staging area for release candidate images.
- We'll set up a private mirror for testers sometime soon. We'll
announce this when it's available and tell you how to get access then.

Hope that's been helpful. Enjoy F11 Alpha when it arrives, and we'll
have more info soon.

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