Fedora QA Meeting

Will Woods wwoods at redhat.com
Wed Feb 18 06:11:26 UTC 2009

Hi folks,

This is just a reminder about the Fedora QA meeting, which is held
Wednesdays at 16:00 UTC (that's 11am US Eastern) in #fedora-meeting.

I'll be giving a quick status update on the 'autoqa' tools we're working
on for automatically testing Things when Stuff happens (e.g. when repos
updated, packages get built, install images produced, etc). 

There will also be some discussion about Thursday's 20 Second Startup
test day[1].

If there's any other agenda items respond here - or just come to the
meeting and we'll try to get to them before the hour is up.



[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/QA/Test_Days/2009-02-19

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