BugZappers Meeting Agenda for 2009-06-23

TK009 john.brown009 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 22 23:02:58 UTC 2009

Bug Triage Meeting
irc.freenode.net #fedora-meeting
Tuesday @ 15:00 UTC/11 AM EST

Agenda for 2009-06-23
minutes form the last meeting:

#topic - Triage Metrics - Update on the FAS integration and overall status.

#topic - Kernel Triage  - Discuss the feedback from Chuck Ebbert on 
kernel triage.

#topic - Component list update for the F12 cycle - Update on status.

#topic - Open Floor

This is a light agenda this week as we are awaiting feedback/resolution 
on a few items. If you have something you would like added for the 
meeting tomorrow, please reply to this email. Also, you can add items 
for future meetings here 

We have a few new members that joined the team this week, please welcome 
them and help them out getting started if you can. And, as always bug 
triage day event right after the meeting.


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