How in the blue blazes does cron work these days?

Tom Horsley tom.horsley at
Wed Oct 28 00:41:41 UTC 2009

New fedora 12 system: There is nothing in /etc/anacrontab, there is nothing
in /etc/crontab, there is nothing but comments in all files in /etc/cron.d,
there is nothing in /var/spool/cron, there is nothing in /etc/sysconfig/cron.
Running "strings" on crond doesn't reveal any other path names.

Why then is cron running and /var/log/cron recording cron jobs that execute
from the /etc/cron.daily directory, etc?

Where the devil has cron configuration been hidden now? Why doesn't the man
page for cron or anacron mention it? What is going on?

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