Annoucement: New translation status page is installed

Bernd Groh bgroh at
Tue Jun 22 23:51:34 UTC 2004

Miloslav Trmac schrieb:

>On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 07:38:32PM +1000, Bernd Groh wrote:
>>If you have only 2 translators, then it may not be a problem, it gets 
>>more difficult with 10. And if you have 20+ translators to a language, 
>>peer-to-peer communication has proven not to be ideal. In this way, 
>>everyone is informed of who is doing what. You only have to [Take] a 
>>module once, and then it belongs to you until the translation is 
>>finished, or you [Release] it. We believed this mechanism to be 
>>extremely helpful.
>On the other hand it is just annoying if there is only one or two
>translators or if you want to commit a one-liner fix to a module "owned"
>by someone else.

For the case there's only one or two translators, we can potentially, if 
desired, exclude these languages from the process. For the case that you 
simply want to commit a one-liner to a module "owned" by someone else, I 
strongly disagree. Why? Because if someone is taking a module, that 
person is starting to translate it (or so it should be). If you fix a 
one-liner while another person is translating the file, you might just 
introduce a conflict.

>Having the mechanism available is definitely useful but maybe it
>would be easier for everybody not to enforce it for CVS access.
>	Mirek

The reason we introduced it, is because we had a lot of people asking 
for exactly such mechanism. But I'm happy to discuss the issue, and am 
not set either way. I simply felt it was the right thing to do. I could 
have been wrong.


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Software Engineer (Localization)        Fax   : +61 7 3514 8199
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