Annoucement: New translation status page is installed

Bernd Groh bgroh at
Wed Jun 23 00:28:33 UTC 2004

Alan Cox schrieb:

>On Tue, Jun 22, 2004 at 01:15:01PM +1000, Sarah Wang wrote:
>>each package. It either says "Finished" (if the translation is 100%) or
>>has a "Take" button (if the translation is not 100%). This feature is
>>designed to minimise the commit conflicts and better coordinate the
>>translation activity within the same language group. If you wish to
>Only two. 
>1.	What if someone needs to take an entry back (eg if someone goes on
>holiday and forgets)

Do you mean if somebody takes a module and forgets about it? The 
designated maintainer of a module, Sarah, and myself can release a 
module. Since we haven't assigned any maintainers yet, it's just us two. 
The next upgrade will release them automatically after a certain period 
of non-commit. For now, emailing this list and telling us will have to do.

>2.	It would be nice if people could grab the current .po file without
>having to "take" it - you need the other po files in order to make a 
>translation consistent, and in the Welsh case for example it would help
>the Debian .cy people to see the translations used in Fedora

What do you mean with grab? For the purpose of modification? What if you 
do that while somebody else is in the process of translating the module? 
Everyone can just grab the module anytime, they just can't commit 


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Dr. Bernd R. Groh                       Phone : +61 7 3514 8114
Software Engineer (Localization)        Fax   : +61 7 3514 8199
Red Hat Asia-Pacific                    Mobile: +61 403 851 269

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