About fuzzy.

Tino Meinen a.t.meinen at chello.nl
Sun Mar 7 15:46:17 UTC 2004

Op zo 07-03-2004, om 13:25 schreef Federico Bernardi:
> Just a question: who decides which part of the translation is fuzzy or not?
> For example, I found in an Italian transaltion of a package the word
> "cancel" translated into "delete", or "active profile" into "activate
> profile", missing spaces between words and a lot of other mistakes in the
> "translated" part, not in fuzzy!

Well ultimately, it's the translator that decides if a translation
remains/becomes fuzzy or not.
If you find incorrect translations, you should either correct them, or
mark them as fuzzy (in wich case they won't be displayed in their
translated form)
But translated entries might become fuzzy 'automatically' if the
original English message changes somewhat. (for example when a point
get's removed or added at the end of a message, the entry will become
fuzzy and the translator has to add or remove the point to their
translation as well)

Tino Meinen

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