Bugzilla needs some translator love

Pawel Szopinski pawel-lists at szopinski.co.uk
Sat Mar 13 19:18:27 UTC 2004

Hi Miroslav,

On Sat, 2004-03-13 at 00:08, Miloslav Trmac wrote:

> The list above is may not be complete. Some of the bugs require fixes
> outside the Red Hat CVS

OK, then what I should do in the situation like that? When a bug require
fixes outside the Red Hat i18n CVS repo. Do we have to keep the bug in
the Red Hat bugzilla? It's quite important for me for the future.

> Polish (82177)

I've made a small investigation connected to that 82177 bug and it's
about the pl_PL version of the manual for useradd. I've tried it and
there is still no description for that -n option. I will try to contact
with the polish manuals translation group I will look what I can do.


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