Processes in the L10N team (was: Desktop-effects)

Igor Pires Soares igorsoares at
Sun Nov 26 14:44:56 UTC 2006

Em Sáb, 2006-11-25 às 19:32 +0000, Dimitris Glezos escreveu:
> I agree we need to fix our l10n process. I've spoken to some people and the
> presence of the gap is pretty much known. How can we fix it then?
> Here are some first ideas:
>   1. Start by documenting the need for attention to this matter, for example by
> getting some numbers of the non-english users (e.g. fedora-brazil is HUGE)
It is a good start! Fedora has a big audience in Brazil and an active
community, but we are losing some space to Ubuntu. That's why we need
good translations over here. We, Brazilian Ambassadors, are trying to
spread Fedora to a larger audience and it will not be successful if we
do not have an understandable user interface.

>   2. List irritations the translators have stated in the past. One example is
> releases not having up-to-date translations in packages [1].
In my opinion this is the bigger problem we have by now. I just regret about 
desktop-effects. This is a major feature of Fedora 6 and we do not even have a .pot
file to translate, it was a huge lack of attention with us. It seems to be a small
module, it would not demand too much "extra" work.

>   3. Start having IRC meetings to discuss things, our progress and get people to
> hang out on the IRC channel more often.
Yep, we have to set meetings in advance in order to people organize themselves.
It would be good if people hang out on IRC for a more informal conversation too.

>   4. Think about electing a Steering committee for the team; check out the
> DocsProject voting proposal:
>   5. Start writing guidelines for developers and slowly try to make them happen.
> A steering committee can help with this by having open communication channels.
Yes Indeed. We need to be represented on an organized way before the
hole project.

>   6. Open up a wiki page holding links to common/known problems, a bug tracker
> for translation bugs (is there one?) and start pushing release-blocker bugs for
> important issues.
The important is to let the developers know that this bugs exist and that they are
very important to the project. It is a good way to do that.

>   7. Get the team closer to the Docs project; this team does a *great* job and
> the two teams have a lot in common and could share experience, tools etc.
> The L10N project shouts "I need resurrection" with all it's strength. So, to
> have something to hold onto, I copied the above points here:
Good initiative Dimitris, lets make it happen!


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