desc and sumary in an html

Paul W. Frields stickster at
Fri Oct 20 14:37:13 UTC 2006

On Tue, 2006-10-17 at 23:04 +0000, Boris Becker wrote:
> I found it useful to search in the desc file for a specific package that has 
> a functionality that I need for a specific job.
> I learned a lot just by translating those strings. I knew packages that I 
> did not know they exists, although, I am a Red Hat user since version 3.1.
> I think it would be very useful to have an html version of the combined desc 
> and summary files, together with the package name and version in the way 
> anaconda shows them.
> But in one file or no more than 4 files, in the wiki, so one can look for 
> something by using Ctrl-F in that/those file(s), or by using the search 
> utility in the wiki.
> Maybe what I am asking for is already made, if so, it is hard for me to find 
> it, give me the link.
> If not, please consider creating an html file from the desc and summary file 
> for their respective languages to put it on the Fedora wiki.

I think most people do this with repoquery, for example:

  $ repoquery -qa --qf '%{NAME} %{VERSION}-%{RELEASE} : %{SUMMARY}'

Altaernately you could look at:

Feel free to wiki these links somewhere appropriate.

Paul W. Frields, RHCE                
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