String Change: anaconda

Alain PORTAL alain.portal at
Fri Apr 20 16:09:24 UTC 2007

Le vendredi 20 avril 2007, Jeremy Katz a écrit :
> Due to a few things, I've just committed an update to anaconda's pot
> file which adds a few strings.  Part of it was things which should have
> been but weren't already being marked for translation, one is adding a
> better message for an error case and we also got to fully translated for
> another language and so had to add it to the language list.
> Apologies for the lateness, but we'll be pulling and building anaconda
> still for a while after test4 so it hopefully won't cause any big
> problems.

Happy to see a developer prevents translators!
When po files will be availiable?

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