informal translator survey

David Lodge dave at
Fri Feb 23 19:29:14 UTC 2007

On Thu, 22 Feb 2007 16:39:10 -0000, Bill Nottingham <notting at>  
> Some random questions...
> 1) Would you, as a translator, be OK with having to use git, mercurial,
>    subversion, or cvs, depending on which app you're translating?

Sure, fine, subversion and cvs are common technologies with help all over  
the place. Where you can improve over some of the other translation  
projects is to give exact and specific information of what to do for each  
situation (e.g. regular translation, adding new translation ad nauseam).

> 2) Would you, as a translator, be OK with doing all translating through
>    a web-based application?

I have no problems with any package, whether it is web based, application  
based or anything else, as long as it meets my requirements; as I  
translate from en_US to en_GB, I only need to change a few strings, the  
lion's share are copied verbatim. So my major requirement is to be able to  
easily copy the original text from original to translation, preferably en  


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