GSoC 2008: Transifex - Federated architecture

Vasand vasandgvd at
Thu Apr 3 15:48:14 UTC 2008

O/H Andreas Louca έγραψε:
> Dear all,
> As part of the Google Summer of Code, I will apply to Fedora project,
> for an improvement to Transifex. The project title is Transifex:
> Server-federated architecture, and it was originally suggested by
> Dimitris Glezos, and this proposal is drafted on top of the ideas we
> discussed with him earlier.
> I would really like your comments on this, so I can adjust the
> proposal according to your thoughts and needs, so the project can
> create something useful.
> Thank you for your time
>    * Common authentication mechanism (either by using OpenID for
> example, or exposing an authentication mechanism for local user-base)
Hi! My name is Vasilis Kalintiris and I've applied for Transifex: 
Authorization and Permission Layer.
Your project and ideas are wonderful!

My goals for authorization/permission layer include support for OpenID. 
Also, my project should be
interoperateable with Vertimus, a project that tracks the progress of 
translation workflow.

As you can see there are some common goals between your project and 
mine. It would be perfect to
have several discussions while the development of our projects in order 
to seperate and distribute
the workload wisely.

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