[FW: Congratulations to the Serbian Fedora community and the FLP]

Paul W. Frields stickster at gmail.com
Thu Dec 18 15:58:38 UTC 2008

Congratulations to our Serbian translation community on their fine
work.  The article that Oisin passes on (refer to forwarded message
below) is an interesting one.


----- Forwarded message from Oisin Feeley <oisinfeeley at imapmail.org> -----

From: Oisin Feeley <oisinfeeley at imapmail.org>
To: For discussions about marketing & expanding the Fedora user base
	<fedora-marketing-list at redhat.com>
Date: Thu, 18 Dec 2008 10:30:07 -0500
Subject: Congratulations to the Serbian Fedora community and the FLP
X-BeenThere: fedora-marketing-list at redhat.com

An interesting LWN article[1] reports that the FLP[2] is working very
successfully with the Serbian Fedora community. The article will be
available to non-subscribers after Dec 25th. In the meanwhile a brief
summary is that in 2007 the Serbian government initiated the
localization of several pieces of Free Software (Firefox, Thunderbird,
OpenOffice, Fedora and Ubuntu). The Fedora work seems to have gone
extremely well, with 99% of strings translated on time, in comparison to
Ubuntu which was delayed and resulted in a fork. Congratulations to the
FLP and especially their Serbian contributors.

1. http://lwn.net/Articles/310740/
2. http://translate.fedoraproject.org/
  Oisin Feeley

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