Status of release notes zero-day update

Karstem quaid Wade kwade at
Fri Nov 21 07:28:27 UTC 2008

Tonight Paul closed out all the bugs that have been opened against the
release notes for Fedora 10.

We are almost ready to output a new POT file.  The changes and
additions are not many.  These updated notes and translations are
published on for the day of the
Fedora 10 release.

There is one bug still open, waiting for confirmation of the technical
writing.  Once we receive that confirmation and/or any fixes, then
close the bug report, we'll build a new POT file and submit it.  That
should happen within, but no more than, the next 24 hours.

Paul or I will send further status when there is anything to update.

- Karsten
Karsten 'quaid' Wade, Community Gardener
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