self-introduction: Micha Pietsch

Micha Pietsch micha.pietsch at
Mon Oct 13 16:09:26 UTC 2008


my name is Micha Pietsch from Dresden in Saxony in the East of Germany. Right now I'm in a 3-year professional training as an IT electronics technician with Deutsche Bahn. I joined Fedora Project as a translater to get into working for the project doing something I'm really good in: my mother language. I hope to be useful for other projects after getting some experience in the community. For me it's the first time working in such a huge project. 

I'm using Fedora as my everyday OS and I am totally convinced of it, telling everybody about the advantages and not to be afraid of jumping into the water. I may be deep but not too cold. :-) So I  gained some basic Linux skills. Aside from speaking German very well (did I mention that I wrote for our school magazine?) I'm interested web development especially coding Python and Ruby. I like practical but nice and bulletproof CSS design as well as marketing, usuability and web applications in enterprise environments.

So far, so good, I hope I can improve my skills and look forward to learn to work with a community like this!

GPG output:

[barney at steinbrecher]$ gpg --fingerprint 3BAF8C64
pub   1024D/D03C8691 2008-10-11
  Schl.-Fingerabdruck = DFCB 7CB3 0F81 A090 B095  B22A 010E DFD0 D03C 8691
uid                  Micha Pietsch <micha.pietsch at>
sub   2048g/3BAF8C64 2008-10-11
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