system-config-services commit

Runa Bhattacharjee runab at
Thu Sep 25 13:39:34 UTC 2008

Domingo Becker wrote:
> It seems translators are committing to directory doc/xx/xx.po instead
> of po/xx.po for the module system-config-services.
> I guess the right directory is po/, isn't it ?


Also, I was wondering if it would be possible to send the language coordinators an automated mail 
each time a commit is made to the relevant <lang>.po files. Reason being:

1. Currently, there is no way for a language coordinator to know if there are any new translators 
for their language team making commits to the language files, unless an explicit mail is sent by the 
new member in the cvs_l10n group. (Not every new member sponsored in the cvs_l10n group is sending 
in a Self Introduction mail)

2. To ensure that the relevant <lang>.po files are not being mistakingly overwritten, if a wrong 
selection is made from the drop down box. (Mistakes do happen and a mitigation process might be helpful)




runa on Red Hat
mishti or runa_b on Freenode, Gimpnet, Mozilla, LinuxChix

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