Translation Deadline for Fedora 10 moved to 14/10

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at
Wed Sep 17 14:07:46 UTC 2008

A quick notice to announce that we've moved the Translation Deadline
for Fedora 10 to Tuesday 14/10 (one week earlier than before). This
means we have approximately one month to submit our translations for
Fedora 10 software. The full schedule lives at its usual place:

The Translation Deadline is the final date when we can submit
translations to be included in Fedora 10. After this date, developers
who maintain Fedora packages which end up on the DVD and the FLP is
responsible for, should collect those translations and issue an update
to their package. Translations can still be submitted after this date,
but they may or may not end up in the release.

The move took place because it happened to be too close with the
Development freeze, which is the last date developers can submit their
package update. By having one week period between these two dates,
packagers have plenty of time to repackage with all the translations.

This decision was taken unanimously by the Fedora L10n Steering
Committee (FLSCo). The Fedora Documentation Schedule has remained


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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