FLP-admin: Minutes from follow-up meeting (05-March-2009)
Ankitkumar Rameshchandra Patel
ankit at redhat.com
Thu Mar 5 07:16:15 UTC 2009
- Dimitris Glezos
- Diego Búrigo Zacarão
- Asgeir Frimannsson
- Ankit Patel
- Transifex running on pt14 happily
- Submission support added. Statistics are updated automatically with
- Transifex Packaging:
- Plan A is to put the RPM in yum
- Still work to do before submitting spec files for review
- Feedback needed from package reviewers
- In need for some more reviewers and packaging hackers to provide
feedback for
Django project packaging- Announcing Transifex test instance
- Plan B is to put the RPM on Infrastructure
- Spec file probably already ready for this
- Target date for FAS working: String freeze
- Policy for submissions: Translators are encouraged not to use pt14 for
important bits (eg. submission) but wait for a stable Tx-new version
on the
production servers.
- Most likely to use translate.fpo instead of transifex.fpo
- Use translate.fpo/transifex/ for new instance. When 100% ready, move
DL to
/dl/ and use / for new Transifex
- Friday the day for testing pt14, Monday the day for deploying on
stable servers
- DL Team pages missing from Tx now.
- Use DL page and try in parallel to have it ready in Tx by string
freeze too
- Alternatively: We can use the wiki page to provide the information
on Teams
Page. OR the Languages page should be edited with language
co-ordinator and
mailing list information, which is what the basic difference between
Languages page and Teams page.
- Publican support: Deadline is start of April
- Needs 1-2 days to be finished in DL
- Diego: 1-2 days as well to add in Transifex. Goal is to do this
- Need to discuss how we could store the stats for it
- Testing of the new instance of Tx: Monday 8 UTC. Ankit & Some other
member from l10n team.
- Next meeting: Tuesday 8 UTC
Ankit Patel
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