Fedora Translation Schedule - Action Items (Trans, Devel, Rel-eng).
Ankit Patel
ankit at redhat.com
Wed Sep 9 08:10:42 UTC 2009
Hi all,
As you might have already noticed an email from John Poelstra regarding Fedora
12 Translation Schedule, there are couple of changes introduced for the first
time in the schedule to help FLP translators.
Earlier schedule tasks (related to translations) used to be:
- Software string freeze (For Developers, changes to the translatable messages
file will require FLP's approval)
- Software Translation Period (For Translators, to complete the translation of
Fedora packages)
- Software rebuild packages (For Packagers, to rebuild packages with latest
submitted translations).
Now, it is changed to,
- Software string freeze (For Developers, changes to the translatable messages
file will require FLP's approval)
- Software Translation Period (For Translators, to translate Fedora packages)
- Software rebuild packages (For Packagers, to rebuild packages with latest
submitted translations - For Translators' review).
- Software Translation Review Period (For Translators, to review translation of
Fedora packages)
- Software rebuild packages (For Packagers, to rebuild packages with latest
submitted translations - Final rebuild).
Schedule in detail:
These changes were basically introduced to overcome issues like,
- translators are not able to review their translations
- translators are most of the time clueless on whether their translations will
be included in the latest package or not.
More details: https://fedorahosted.org/fesco/ticket/243
Since these changes are introduced for the first time in Fedora schedule, it
needs to be communicated to all affected groups. I had a discussion with noriko
and mishti today morning and we listed down major actions as mentioned below.
Let's know if you find any modification to it or you would like to help with any
of it.
*List of action items:*
1. Request John Poelstra to update the schedule with correct entry - "Build
packages for which Fedora is upstream for all language translators' review &
2. Request John Poelstra to communicate to devel-list about this newly added entry
3. File Tracker Bug and bugs against respective packages (will start from 10th Sept)
-> Make sure you mark the bugs as "High Priority" bugs
-> Make sure you explain the reason to the package maintainer properly that the
rebuilt package should reach to end users and should be released under Fedora.
4. Request developers individually to help with the bugs, since they might not
be aware of this new change
5. Once Package Maintainers rebuild the packages by due date (14th Sept),
request Release Engineering to release those rebuilt packages.
6. Get in touch with any of the release engineers to ensure they help us with this.
7. Closely monitor whether the packages are actually rebuilt & released or not.
8. Inform FLP (translation) team again after the package rebuilds.
9. FLP members will do 'yum update' on their rawhide machines to review their
translation and submit updated translation through transifex by 22nd September.
Ankit Patel
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