Tx support for plural forms and other questions

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at glezos.com
Fri Sep 25 23:23:59 UTC 2009

On Fri, Sep 25, 2009 at 8:56 PM, Miloš Komarčević <kmilos at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi peeps,
> Hoping someone will be able to shed some light on the following. I
> have asked Dan to support ngettext in setroubleshoot [1] and found
> positive response and a fix already.
> However, the POT generated by Tx differs to the one checked in by the
> developer in Hg. So the questions are:
> 1. Does Tx POT generation at all support extraction of ngettext
> strings from an intltoolized project? If so, why doesn't it extract
> them in this case?

Transifex uses intltool-update under the hood to produce the new file.
Maybe a version mismatch?

> 2. Why does Tx even generate a POT file when there is one checked in?
> Difficult to decide which takes precedence, I know. If the project is
> intltoolized, then we can ask the developer not to check in the POT
> any more, but it would then be nice if ngettext extraction worked...

The developer can choose whether to use a static POT or intltool
(dynamically generated POT). In the case of setroubleshoot, the chosen
option is the latter. If the developer wants to produce the POT, we
(he) can just switch the i18n method to use a static POT file.

Hope this helps.


Dimitris Glezos

Transifex: The Multilingual Publishing Revolution
http://www.transifex.net/ -- http://www.indifex.com/

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