Fedora IIIMF test report

Dong Hu dhu at redhat.com
Wed Feb 25 21:49:00 UTC 2004


IIIMF Test Case Result

Reporter: Dong Hu ( dhu at redhat.com )

Product and version number:
        Fedora Core release 1.90 (FC2 Test 1)

Desktop environment and version number:
        gnome-desktop-2.5.3-1 with gtk2-2.3.2-2

Version-Release number of selected component (if applicable):

        Simplified Chinese

Test 2:
        5.2 Step 1, OK
            Step 2: press SPACE, the cursor won't move,instead, "look up table"
                    shows up.
                    Press TAB, "look up table" shows up

Test 3: 6.3 Yes. LE clear the text.

Test 4: 7.3 Seems to be OK to me.

Test 5: 8.3 NO. LUC remains on the screen.

Test 6: candidates 1-7 are presented, select 8, 9 candidate 1 will be selected.
          which is not correct to me.

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