[fedora-virt] Problem installing KVM gueast on LMV

Leonid Flaks flaks at bnl.gov
Mon Jun 1 21:01:48 UTC 2009

I am trying to install KVM guest on fedora 10 host system using 
virt-install command:

virt-install \
         --connect qemu:///system \
         --accelerate \
         --vnc \
         --ram 512 \
         --name test \
         --mac 00:16:3E:70:8C:D0 \
         --network bridge:br0 \
         --disk path=/dev/vg-virt/LV1 \
         --os-type=linux \
         --os-variant=fedora10 \
http://mycompany.local.mirror/fedora/releases/10/Fedora/x86_64/os \
         -x "ip=dhcp kssendmac ksdevice=bootif noipv6 

All goes well to the point when anaconda is trying to do partitioning. 
At this moment I see error on the screen - "Error allocating requested 
partitions. Partitioning failed. Could not allocate partitions as 
primary partitions. Not enough space left to create partition /boot. 
Press OK to exit the installer."

kickstart has the following partitions information:

part /boot --asprimary --fstype="ext3" --size=100
part / --fstype="ext3" --size=2000
part swap --fstype="swap" --size=500
part /var/log --fstype="ext3" --size=250
part /usr --fstype="ext3" --size=1 --grow

/dev/vg-virt/LV1 is 9G - should be plenty of space.

I think the LVM information is not being passed to anaconda for some reason.

I had very similar setup on fedora 8 with Xen and it works fine. Is 
there anything specific to KVM on fedora 10 that I missed?



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