CMS Decision

Greg DeKoenigsberg gdk at
Mon Dec 5 20:28:16 UTC 2005

On Mon, 5 Dec 2005, Elliot Lee wrote:

> 	. What we've got already. The basic idea is perfectly sound, and 
> 	everyone knows how to use CVS. This is the baseline that the new 
> 	solution needs to improve on, so one good question is "what do we
> 	need that we don't have now?"

This is the heart of the conversation.  There's lots of "cool" stuff in 
Drupal, but what do we *need*, really?  Here's my wish list:

1. Calendars.  We can do this with standalone ics files.

2. Translatability.  We should be able to break content out into easy 
translation strings.

3. Form processing.  Straight CGI, eh?

What else do we *really* need for the static / "authoritative" site?

I'm perfectly fine changing f.r.c to some more Fedora-friendly domain 
name, btw.


_____________________  ____________________________________________
  Greg DeKoenigsberg ] [ the future masters of technology will have
 Community Relations ] [ to be lighthearted and intelligent.  the
             Red Hat ] [ machine easily masters the grim and the 
                     ] [ dumb.  --mcluhan

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