Wiki Migration

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at
Tue Dec 5 14:48:36 UTC 2006

O/H Karsten Wade έγραψε:
> A special request to all of your eyeballs:
> We want to look for any differences in formatting for this new version.
> You may be able to find some Moin Moin release notes that suggest what
> to look for.

Took a quick look, probably a closer one later on.

> Already there is one difference that needs to be fixed in the styling
> for the = Header Level One =.

I'm glad to see that in the new wiki `= H1 =` produces `<h1>`, like it should.

This is the correct behaviour, because each webpage should contain at least one
level-one heading which describes the page. In the case of the wiki, this is
even more relevant becauseeach page is about one thing.

I understand that this might require some coding (the Wiki conversion tools
might need tweaking?), editing of pages etc. But this is important and besides,
most of our webpages do start with an =h1= and that should be rendered as <h1>.

> Glezos -- Can we see how your CSS looks here?  Are things implemented
> better or worse?  Anything else interesting we can be doing in this new
> version?

Yup, the CSS [1] seems to work. I'll have to enhance a bit the h1, due to it's
more prominent role with the new wiki. :)


TableOfContents is now surrounded by a <div>. This gives us the power to
control it's appearance through CSS. Cool.

> The Wiki is now fairly large with a good number of pages being worked on
> regularly.  Although we have guidelines at WikiEditing, there are many
> styles used across the Wiki.  What little hacks are different now?  Do
> all pages come out fine or can be easily fixed?

If we do enable my CSS bits, then we could encourage people (probably by
polishing the WikiEditing pages) to increase the quality of the wiki pages. For
example by explaining the benefits of structure (h3's always after h2's) etc.

If we want to increase the wiki's consistency, we could talk about enabling the
CardMacro feature of moin [2]. It will allow us to reuse pages as "templates",
just like wikipedia does.


This will help us decrease to a minimum the number of `{{{!html` and complex
table structures that appear in lots of pages. What do you guys think?


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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