Wiki tweaks 2

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at
Mon Mar 12 19:03:46 UTC 2007

O/H Dimitris Glezos έγραψε:
> I spent some hours today debugging and coding some new stuff for the wiki. We've
> put the kindOfBlue theme on CVS so we can work more easily. Mike, can you please
> make the commits live?
>   * I've put some more elements on '/wiki/WikiElements'
>   * Substituted most of the smilies from the Echo icons
>   * Enabled breadcrumbs on all pages
> I'll start coding in CSS some commonly-used HTML hacks I see around on the wiki.
> Hopefully at some point we will get rid of long, regular HTML hacks and
> substitute them with something like this:
>   ||<tableclass="Artwork-Header"> [Artwork] ||
> I'll send more tomorrow when the changes will be visible.

You can see some of the stuff I'm testing (and their wiki code) over at my
sandbox [1] and our new smilies and small icons at [2].


Thanks to Mike who's been patient enough to make my commits live.

Do you guys have any suggestion of stuff often coded we could reuse? At the
above page I did:

 * Floats (right, left)
 * Message boxes
 * Common table colors (+cells)

Some more that could be done:

 * Per-project headers ([3])
 * Navigation boxes ([3])


Any other?


Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

"He who gives up functionality for ease of use
loses both and deserves neither." (Anonymous)

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