Wiki Theme

Máirí­n Duffy duffy at
Mon Mar 26 00:59:04 UTC 2007

Hey everybody,

I've been interested in playing around with moin for a good while and I 
finally got around to getting my own server up again so I had the space 
and ability to set up my own install to poke around in. So I came up 
with a Fedora theme for it (I started with cornicen from the moin 
ThemeMarket [1] as a base):

The mockups I started out with and the theme files are here:

Also note that a lot of mockups have been put together for the wiki over 
time; ideas from all of them are in what I came up with:

 From Matt Munoz:


 From Jeremy:

I really like the basic layout of Jeremy's mockup, and I think something 
like the large, dark center banner is something we could use on a 
non-wiki front page. It reminds me a lot of the banner 
space, which has been helpful for advertising events and releases for 

Although I am not 100% happy with the look (needs more cowbell/bling!), 
I do think the theme addresses some of my long time usability nags with 
our current theme (the placement of the account preferences always 
bugged me, for example). I was also looking to come up with a style that 
would fit in nicely on another CMS, so maybe we could use the wiki for 
being a wiki and have a CMS that is managed more carefully for 
non-contributors looking to learn more about Fedora - see the navbar in 
the mocks? (not in the theme yet)

I figured I would send this out so more people knew about it (folks have 
been helping me out with it this weekend in #fedora-admin). If anybody 
has ideas on how to improve it (especially bling-wise :) ) let's discuss it!



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