Fwd: Creating live USB keys in Windows

Dimitris Glezos dimitris at glezos.com
Sat Feb 2 10:43:15 UTC 2008

Forwarding a msg from lmacken on fedora-devel-list. Luke has created a
tool to get an ISO on a Fedora Live usb stick... on Windows. It makes
it dead simple for Windows users to try (and switch to) Fedora this
way, since everybody nowadays has a RS USB stick, not everybody have
CD writers (X61 Thinkpads don't), or is willing to find/spend an empty
CD. Good stuff.

We should see how the msg could reach the world, non-Linux users.
Debian has created something "similar" at
http://goodbye-microsoft.com/, which is probably even simpler. Not
sure what other distros have done.

How about creating http://switch.fedoraproject.org/, which will have
some simple instructions on how to get the tool, get the ISO, run it
and reboot? Having the page localized as well, will probably make the
message reach to a big crowd.

Maybe it's too early for this, since everything is in flux, so let's
think about it.


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Luke Macken <lmacken at redhat.com>
Date: 2008/2/2
Subject: Creating live USB keys in Windows
To: fedora-devel-list at redhat.com


So, I wrote some code that will install a Fedora Live ISO onto a USB
stick, in Windows.

It automatically detects all removable drives, finds your ISO, extracts
it to your USB key, tweaks the syslinux.cfg, and installs the

>From a user perspective, using it is pretty simple:
- download fedora
- download and extract livecd-iso-to-usb.zip
- drag fedora iso into directory
- double click 'livecd-iso-to-usb.exe'
- ...profit!

It has worked great during all of my testing, and Jesse seemed to have
good luck with it today, but we definitely need more people to try it
out before we can start recommending it to users.

    Documentation: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/LukeMacken/WindowsLiveUSB
    In action: http://lmacken.fedorapeople.org/livecd-iso-to-usb.png
    The binary: http://lmacken.fedorapeople.org/livecd-iso-to-usb.zip
    The code: git clone http://lmacken.fedorapeople.org/livecd-iso-to-usb.git

Comments/suggestions/patches/flames ?



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Dimitris Glezos
Jabber ID: glezos at jabber.org, GPG: 0xA5A04C3B

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