Just a suggestion

Peter Schmidt zicronsoft at yahoo.com
Sun Feb 10 21:40:21 UTC 2008

Hi I'm a new user to Linux and I've never been able to
use Fedora but I'd really like to.  Every time I
attempt to download, it takes a half day at least to
finish.  When it does, theres some error on the iso
every single time or the download somehow messes up on
the way.  I don't feel the need to order a DVD so
instead I thought I would suggest making a mirror
where there are maybe about 30 total .rar files.  This
way people with slower internet can actually download
the OS and people like me won't have to worry about a
few MB causing the whole DVD to malfunction.  I
personally wouldn't bother to do this with 8, once 9
is released, then I would like to see segments.

Also I hope to not be repetative but what are some
major features 9 will have that 8 doesn't?

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