"Default" spin of Fedora

Rahul Sundaram sundaram at fedoraproject.org
Thu Jun 12 09:51:01 UTC 2008

Kevin Kofler wrote:
> * Live CDs cannot be used to upgrade existing Fedora installations (without 
> reinstalling from scratch, which is often not possible without deleting user 
> data), the installer DVD can. Attempts to upgrade from a live CD can even 
> lead to data loss (if the user doesn't realize this fact), IIRC this has 
> already happened at least once to someone on the mailing lists.

The answer there would be Preupgrade. I have already filed a RFE to hook 
this up with PackageKit.

> * As the name says, Desktop Live is only targeted at the desktop, whereas the 
> DVD also contains some server and development packages.

Considering that all indications are that majority of our users are 
desktop users, I believe that is the correct choice to promote.


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