planet rendering bug on ff3?

ylynfatt ylynfatt at
Tue Jun 24 01:26:29 UTC 2008

----- Original Message -----
From: Max Spevack <mspevack at>
To: fedora-websites-list at
Subject: planet rendering bug on ff3?
Date: Mon, 23 Jun 2008 18:27:05 -0400 (EDT)

>This is a "it happens on my computer" bug:
>I load planet.fp.o on Firefox 3, and start hitting page
>down as I read.  After 10 or so page downs, the rendering
>gets totally messed up.  The  screen fails to refresh, and
>the text all ends up on top of itself.
>I tried the same on and didn't have any
>trouble.  I  don't know how to determine if this is a
>problem with the fedora  planet's css, a firefox problem,
>etc.  I thought I'd throw it out there  and see if anyone
>else has seen it.
>[spevack at localhost ~]$ rpm -q firefox
>Fedora-websites-list mailing list
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I can confirm this as well in FF3. Had a similar problem
earlier today on my work computer, but I tried it again this
evening on my home computer and didn't have any problems.
I'm wondering if maybe the contents of a post from someone's
blog was causing this? Perhaps it's no longer on the page
hence why it isn't happening again for me. If I notice it
again I'll see if there is anything specific causing it.

- Yannick

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