spins idea

Máirín Duffy duffy at redhat.com
Tue Jun 24 02:57:12 UTC 2008


I've been drawing out comics of the user stories [1] we discussed at 
FUDcon. I came up with one idea. I think downloading an ISO image for a 
lot of inexperienced users, especially if they are not using Fedora or 
another Linux, is going to be confusing. I don't think OS X and Windows 
know how to handle ISO files nor do they usually come with software that 
can handle them by default (correct me if I'm wrong!)

One idea I had, I don't know how possible it is but...

For each spin, where appropriate, could we offer:

- One Live USB stick download that includes the ISO *AND* the software 
appropriate for their OS bundled together to create the USB stick. 
Ideally it would be a binary they could click, would ask them to select 
their USB key from a list of mounted drives and would just do it.

Is this technically feasible?


[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Spins_Hackfest_summary#Example_users

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