Omniture & Fedora

Karsten 'quaid' Wade kwade at
Mon Mar 10 18:29:46 UTC 2008

On Fri, 2008-02-29 at 15:55 -0800, Toshio Kuratomi wrote:

> Do the pieces of software (the javascript on the 
> client in this case) have an open source license?

Sorry to arrive late to this discussion.

The Omniture JS code used to be on, and it was for a while.  Mike McGrath (iirc) and I were
discussing its existence one day when we noticed docs.fp.o was loading
slowly due to the Omniture calls.  So, that was one mark against the
service in general -- it presented another point of failure on release
days, which are ironically the days we'd want the most traffic analysis

The reason I decided to yank the code is clear -- it is not-FLOSS and we
have no rights to use or distribute it as part of Fedora Project web

Here is a sample of the Omniture JS from

        <!-- SiteCatalyst code version: H.1.
         Copyright 1997-2005 Omniture, Inc. More info available at sec -->
        <div id="oTags">
        <script type="text/javascript">
        var s_account = "redhatcom";
        <script language="JavaScript" src="/js/s_code.js"></script>
        <script language="JavaScript" src=""></script>
        <script language="JavaScript"><!--
        height="1" width="1" border="0" alt="" /></noscript><!--/DO NOT REMOVE/-->
        </div><!-- oTags -->
        <!-- End SiteCatalyst code version: H.1. -->

The code only has a copyright notice and no FLOSS license.

As Toshio states later in this email, that is the #1 blocker.  I
consider the "added point of failure" #2, because of historical problems
with Omniture that I'm not convinced are just history.

So Jesse -- if you can find out if Omniture can or will license that
code under an OSI approved license, then we'll actually have something
to discuss.  Otherwise, it is a ForbiddenItem.

- Karsten
Karsten Wade, Developer Community Mgr.
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