D/L Validation issues and your website

Reorx reorxalpha at bellsouth.net
Sat Jun 20 21:06:38 UTC 2009

I am generally "computer literate" (maybe even "savy") but a Linux
virgin...  I recently downloaded a copy of the Fedora 11 live ISO file for
Intel compatible PCs (32-bit).

Your website suggests "validating" the D/L.

In the "validating D/L for Windows users" section, you give Windows
users 3 choices for validating their D/L:
1) HashCalc >>> I couldn't get HashCalc to D/L - probably a problem
   with the HashCalc website - not your fault.
2) XCSC >>> Nice little utility which reported the
   SHA1SUM as "795B52B3C7B16EBA6F2CAE055EC894D8648D8095"
   (without the quotes)
3) SHA1SUM.EXE >>> Nice little command line utility that reported
   the SHA1SUM the same as XCSC but using lower case letters.  I
   realize that this doesn't matter (i.e. the SHA1SUM is actually
   a hexidecimal number and therefore is NOT case sensitive).

Now that I have a SHA1SUM value for MY D/L, it would be nice to
find a SHA1SUM value for the file on your website for the sake of
comparing the 2 values i.e. validation.  The instructions about
how to use the above software suggest opening the file "SHA1SUM" using
a text editor and comparing the values...  I looked everywhere but
couldn't find a file named SHA1SUM!!!

My request is that you put a link to the referenced SHA1SUM file on
the webpage for the Windows validation instructions

In the meantime, can you send me a link to the file or tell me if the
file that I D/L has the correct SHA1SUM value???

Thanx for your assistance...

- Michael -

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