[Fedora-xen] Experiencing boot problems with xen3

Eric Benton benton71 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 31 10:06:07 UTC 2006


I'm trying to install xen3 over a FC5 linux system.
I had downloaded xen3 sources and built them with the following commands:
make world
make install

Then, I added the following lines to grub.conf -

title Xen 3.0
        root (hd0,3)
        kernel /boot/xen-3.0.gz dom0_mem=262144
        module /boot/vmlinuz-2.6-xen0 root=/dev/sda4 ro console=tty0

But I'm getting Error 15: file not found when trying to boot.
I saw that other people got this error as well but I couldn't resolved it...

Please advise me on how to solve this problem, I attached grub.conf, the 
output of mount and the dirlist of the /boot directory.

Thanks in advanced,
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