[Fedora-xen] fc5 domU on rhel5 dom0

Chris Lalancette clalance at redhat.com
Sat Apr 21 13:22:16 UTC 2007

> It doesn't seem to be working for me with fc5 either... It just so happened
> that there was a fc5 kernel release (2312) yesterday or today, after I got
> 2307 up and running. I did the yum update in the domU, but after a domU
> shutdown and xm create, the domU wouldn't come back up again. I don't remember
> the details, but the procedure above got me back in business. I'll try to
> remember to take note of what fails when the next update happens (If I haven't
> moved that domain to fc6 by then).

It's likely that you are missing something from your /etc/modprobe.conf;
when the kernel is installed via yum, one of the last things it does is
dynamically generate an initrd based on your current configuration in

The modprobe.conf on my (working) FC5 guest looks like this:

alias eth0 xennet
alias scsi_hostadapter xenblk

What does yours look like?

Chris Lalancette

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