HA: [Fedora-xen] Broadcast/multicast in guest domains

Bertho Stultiens bst at mobilethink.dk
Mon Mar 5 13:43:50 UTC 2007

Авраменко Андрей wrote:
> The server hasn't connection to external net. The dom0 has dhcp server
> running and has static ip:
> Guest domains get ipaddrs and via dhcp.
> While I'm pinging "ping -b" from any domain - no answer.
> Firewall is stoped.

Pinging to the broadcast address does not necessarily mean that you get
an answer. That is entirely dependent on the setting of
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/icmp_echo_ignore_broadcasts (which is default set to
1 nowadays).

If you have a dhcp server running in dom0 and get IP addresses in domU,
then you have L2 connectivity from domU to dom0, or you would not be
able to run the dhcp server (which is based on reception of broadcast at

Also, both domU guests get an address in the same network (I assume a
/24 here), which constitutes the same broadcast domain. That means that
there *must* be L2 connectivity between the domUs. This is by definition
of how the network is supposed to be set up.

Greetings Bertho

Bertho Stultiens
Senior Systems Manager
Mobilethink A/S

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