[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH] 160,161 Trust Web UI

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Mon Jun 25 12:15:35 UTC 2012

On Mon, 25 Jun 2012, Petr Vobornik wrote:
>On 06/23/2012 01:44 AM, Endi Sukma Dewata wrote:
>>On 6/22/2012 11:48 AM, Alexander Bokovoy wrote:
>>>2. First two chunks of install/ui/test/data/ipa_init_commands.json and
>>>install/ui/test/data/ipa_init_objects.json changes look unrelated to
>>>this ticket.
>>These files are snapshots of metadata used for demo/testing. I suppose
>>Petr was updating the entire files which automatically includes recent
>>changes to the metadata.
>>Ditto. The UI code looks fine so it can be pushed. Btw, nice use of
>>layout class.
>>Some comments:
>>1. The CLI command to add trust is trust-add-ad. Should the UI button
>>also say "Add AD"? If we later support additional trust types would that
>>appear as separate buttons/dialogs or same button/dialog with maybe
>>drop-down list to select the type?
>"Add AD" label seems weird to me. Now we support only one type of 
>trust. We should keep the 'Add'.
>When additional trusts support is added I'm in favor of a dropdown 
>list or radios to select the type. Params and method for each trust 
>type would be probably different so various field would have to be 
>hidden/displayed when different trust types are selected. Having more 
>'Add' buttons would make things less clear.
>I don't like having different dialogs. It would require having 
>multiple 'Add' buttons in search page which seems inconsistent and 
>non-standard to me.
>>2. The trust-add-ad has an optional --server parameter. There's no
>>corresponding field in the UI. Is this parameter supported?
>Alexander? This attr. wasn't mentioned in design specs. IMO it should 
>be in UI if the command supports it, probably under 'Domain' field. 
>Is it for specifying the DC server when auto-discovery fails?
>I can add it in separate patch.
I'd prefer to keep --server option not exposed in the UI to avoid
clutter. If auto-discovery fails, you'll need to use CLI anyway as there
will probably be need to manipulate DNS setup.

>>3. In the search page we might be able add some other columns such as
>>NetBIOS name, trust type, or status (when it's available later) which
>>can be obtained using the --all option.
>I'll add them when status is available. IMO status is the really useful one.
You can add NetBIOS name. Trust type will be the same for all trusts
until we start supporting IPA-IPA trusts. At which point we'll need to
make amendments to the UI anyway.

/ Alexander Bokovoy

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