[Freeipa-devel] topology management question

Rob Crittenden rcritten at redhat.com
Tue Dec 9 14:21:43 UTC 2014

Simo Sorce wrote:
> On Sun, 07 Dec 2014 10:25:06 -0500
> Rob Crittenden <rcritten at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Simo Sorce wrote:
>>> On Thu, 04 Dec 2014 14:33:09 +0100
>>> Ludwig Krispenz <lkrispen at redhat.com> wrote:
>>>> hi,
>>>> I just have another (hopefully this will end soon) issue I want to
>>>> get your input. (please read to teh end first)
>>>> To recapture the conditions:
>>>> -  the topology plugin manages the connections between servers as 
>>>> segments in the shared tree
>>>> - it is authoritative for managed servers, eg it controls all 
>>>> connections between servers listed under cn=masters,
>>>>    it is permissive for connection to other servers
>>>> - it rejects any removal of a segment, which would disconnect the
>>>> topology.
>>>> - a change in topology can be applied to any server in the
>>>> topology, it will reach the respective servers and the plugin will
>>>> act upon it
>>>> Now there is a special case, causing a bit of trouble. If a replica
>>>> is to be removed from the topology, this means that
>>>> the replication agreements from and to this replica should be
>>>> removed, the server should be removed from the manages servers.
>>>> The problem is that:
>>>> - if you remove the server first, the server becomes unmanaged and 
>>>> removal of the segment will not trigger a removal of the
>>>> replication agreement
>> I had another, sort of unrelated thought about this, thinking about
>> deleting servers.
>> What happens if a replication conflict entry gets added?
> This would happen in case a provisioning system tries to instantiate 2
> servers with the same name at the same time talking to different
> existing masters.

Sure and quite possible if there is some link down and two admins doing
the same thing.

>> While both exist I imagine that the actual agreement would reflect
>> whichever entry is processed last. Probably not the end of the world.
>> But how do you remove the conflict entry without also potentially
>> deleting that master?
> It should probably delete both, the domain would be pretty messed up
> anyone and we have no easy way to know which of the 2 is part of the
> domain and which one has all replication severed due to their keys
> being overwritten by the other server ones.

Yes, this is what I was leaning towards as well, but the plugin may need
to specifically do this. It all depends on the search filters Ludwig
uses to find the master(s) to operate on. And should this be
automatically detected?

So in reality the fact that there is a duplicate agreement in topology
probably won't hurt anything at all since we don't really define much
there. The actual agreement(s) will still be created just fine, but this
extra topology record could be confusing depending on whether it gets
returned by anything.

> I guess the only thing we can reasonably do is to make recommendations
> on how to deal with replicas deployments to avoid this case and
> instructions on how to remove remnants entries if any.

I brought this up in case deleting the conflict entry would create an
orphan, for example.

It occurs to me that perhaps the conflict entry may not actually contain
anything different than the real entry. It isn't like we store a ton of
data. So I wonder if one deletes a conflict entry it shouldn't trigger
topology changes. But that is likely going to require extra logic.


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