[Freeipa-devel] Storing/Looking up the creation time of a type

James purpleidea at gmail.com
Thu Jul 24 04:43:54 UTC 2014

Hi devel,

It would be particularly useful if each FreeIPA entry (eg: user, host,
service, etc...) had creation and last modified timestamps. Do these
fields already exist, and if they do, how can I access them?

If they do not, I would like to propose these as a feature request.

One use case for this feature: if this data exists, then actions could
be scripted based on how old something is. For example:

* an admin could check for old entries in case they are unneeded
* puppet could be told to not manage entries older than a certain date
* entries could be sorted by last modified to browse recent activity
* and so on...

An example of how this could be specifically useful is explained in my
just published Puppet+FreeIPA article:


Thank you again,

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