[Freeipa-devel] [PATCH 0079] Catch USBError during YubiKey location

Alexander Bokovoy abokovoy at redhat.com
Mon Nov 10 07:31:23 UTC 2014

On Mon, 10 Nov 2014, Jan Cholasta wrote:
>Dne 7.11.2014 v 16:51 Nathaniel McCallum napsal(a):
>Is it good enough to just say "No YubiKey found"? Would it make sense 
>to log the original message, for the sake of debugging why the yubikey 
>was not found?
This is logged on the client side so it only would be visible if you
would run 'ipa' tool with -v. Perhaps useful but my practice with
yubikeys says that most of issues are basically permission-related:
you've inserted the key and udev rules didn't change access to allow
getting to it via libusb. In this case our debugging will hardly be
helpful beyond 'yes, it is not accessible' which is already conveyed by
the original message.
/ Alexander Bokovoy

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