[Freeipa-devel] [Test][patch-0058] Fixed topology tests failures in CI

Martin Basti mbasti at redhat.com
Fri Aug 12 14:05:16 UTC 2016

On 12.08.2016 15:48, Oleg Fayans wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> On 08/11/2016 10:05 AM, Martin Basti wrote:
>> On 10.08.2016 20:32, Oleg Fayans wrote:
>> Hello,
>> before we jump into fixing tests, my question is: Was this planned
>> change and not reflected by test, or switched values are unwanted side
>> effect and thus bug for us?
> That's a marvelous question! The test used to pass, which means that 
> at some point the convention of naming the segments must have changed. 
> Is it a bug? I do not think so: the feature still works as expected.

Ludwig, do you know details about this change, why positions of server 
names are different than used to be in topology name?

>> Ticket contains almost no info, except a traceback and it says nothing.
>> Commit message says at least something.
>> I'm not sure if this patch fixes that ticket, because traceback in test
>> shows error message that "removal of segment will disconnect topology",
>> but this patch only swap order of replica names in segment name. I would
>> expect that you should get different error, something like segment does
>> not exist.
> Which I do get in jenkins job N 37: "segment not found"
> In fact, the error in the issue is unrelated to the fix, you are right. 

> To tell the truth, I just put a random error from one of the jenkins 
> topology testruns into the issue. 
This is very good way how to report tickets:
* nobody knows what happened
* nobody can search in current tickets,  what is wrong without proper 
* developers cannot investigate issue, because there is even no name of 
exact test in ticket, no steps to reproduce, nothing
* without proper tickets it is hard to backport patches correctly, if 
patch fixes different issue than is reported

I'm closing ticket as invalid, please follow 
http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/bugs.html and file a new 
proper ticket.

> This particular error message was caused by a previous replica 
> installation failure, which resulted in existing only one segment 
> instead of three:
> master <-> replica1
> instead of:
> master <-> replica1,
> master <-> replica2
> replica1 <-> replica2
> In fact the patch supplied fixes 2 tests at once:
> The first test tries to remove the unexisting segment master <-> 
> replica2 and fails, the second test expects the line topology
> master <-> replica1 <-> replica2.
> It removes the connection between replica1 and replica2, expects the 
> operation to fail but it does not because the connection between 
> master and replica2 exists
> the output from the testrun with the patch applied:
> -bash-4.3$ ipa-run-tests test_integration/test_topology.py --pdb
> WARNING: Couldn't write lextab module 'pycparser.lextab'. [Errno 13] 
> Permission denied: 'lextab.py'
> WARNING: yacc table file version is out of date
> WARNING: Couldn't create 'pycparser.yacctab'. [Errno 13] Permission 
> denied: 'yacctab.py'
> ==================================================================================== 
> test session starts 
> =====================================================================================
> platform linux2 -- Python 2.7.11, pytest-2.9.2, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
> rootdir: /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ipatests, inifile: pytest.ini
> plugins: sourceorder-0.5, multihost-1.0
> collected 3 items
> test_integration/test_topology.py ...
> ================================================================================ 
> 3 passed in 2156.82 seconds 
> =================================================================================

I don't care about test output until there is no valid description of 
problem, fixing test may just cover real issue.
>> Martin^2

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