[Freeipa-devel] Travis CI unexpected PEP8 errors

Standa Laznicka slaznick at redhat.com
Wed Dec 14 08:00:51 UTC 2016

On 12/14/2016 02:53 AM, Ben Lipton wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm pretty sure this is unrelated to the CI issues discussed in other 
> threads recently, but they reminded me that I've been having this odd 
> issue.
> https://travis-ci.org/freeipa/freeipa/jobs/183756995 is the most 
> recent run on my pull request, 
> https://github.com/freeipa/freeipa/pull/10. For a while now, every 
> time the CI runs on my PR, it fails due to several PEP8 errors that 
> are not detected when I run `git diff master -U0 | pep8 --diff` on my 
> local copy. In fact, the errors are all in files not touched by my PR, 
> which doesn't make much sense to me based on the behavior of `git diff`.
> I noticed that the top of the travis build says:
>  - Commit 1f50550
>  - #10: Client-side CSR autogeneration
>  - Branch master
> I'm not sure what the "commit" link actually means, but that commit 
> seems to have nothing to do with my PR nor the current master. Could 
> Travis be diffing against the wrong code? Or if not, do you have any 
> idea what might be causing these failures?
> Thanks,
> Ben
Hi Ben,

I was going through the Travis CI log of and noticed what might have 
caused the issue:

$ cd freeipa/freeipa
$ git fetch origin +refs/pull/109/merge:

It seems that for your pull request #10 (and for some reason for your 
pull request only), Travis fetched a different (old) pull request which 
it then tried to merge with current master, hence the errors. I don't 
think it was testing your code at all.

I do not have an explanation for this other than it might be a Travis 
bug, CCing Martin for a better answer.

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