[Freeipa-interest] Announcing FreeIPA 4.1.4

Petr Vobornik pvoborni at redhat.com
Thu Mar 26 17:14:34 UTC 2015

The FreeIPA team would like to announce FreeIPA v4.1.4 security release!

It can be downloaded from http://www.freeipa.org/page/Downloads. The 
builds will be available for Fedora 21. Builds for Fedora 20 are 
available in the official COPR repository 

== Highlights in 4.1.4 ==

=== Security fixes ===
* 'CVE-2015-1827' It was discovered that the IPA extdom Directory Server 
plug-in did not correctly perform memory reallocation when handling user 
account information. A request for a list of groups for a user that 
belongs to a large number of groups would cause a Directory Server to 
* 'CVE-2015-0283' Additionally, FreeIPA 4.1.4 requires use of slapi-nis 
0.54.2 which includes number of fixes for the CVE-2015-0283:

It was discovered that the slapi-nis Directory Server plug-in did not 
correctly perform memory reallocation when handling user account 
information. A request for information about a group with many members, 
or a request for a user that belongs to a large number of groups, would 
cause a Directory Server to enter an infinite loop and consume an 
excessive amount of CPU time.

These issues were discovered by Sumit Bose of Red Hat.

=== Enhancements ===
* Various documentation improvements by Gabe Alford

=== Bug fixes ===
* Various fixes to DNSSEC support and overall DNS deployment scripts
* Improvements in handling CA certificates from previous deployments 
when installing FreeIPA clients
* Licensing of FreeIPA is clarified with regards to OpenSSL integration
* More robust configuration of slapi-nis plugin to prevent potential 
dead-locks with other operations requiring lower-level database access.

== Upgrading ==
Upgrade instructions are available on upgrade page 

== Feedback ==
Please provide comments, bugs and other feedback via the freeipa-users 
mailing list <http://www.redhat.com/mailman/listinfo/freeipa-users> or 
#freeipa channel on Freenode.

== Detailed Changelog since 4.1.3 ==
=== Alexander Bokovoy (2) ===
* fix Makefile.am for daemons
* slapi-nis: require 0.54.2 for CVE-2015-0283 fixes

=== David Kupka (2) ===
* Use IPA CA certificate when available and ignore NO_TLS_LDAP when not.
* Restore default.conf and use it to build API.

=== Gabe Alford (3) ===
* ipa-replica-prepare should document ipv6 options
* ipatests: Add tests for valid and invalid ipa-advise
* ipa-replica-prepare can only be created on the first master

=== Jan Cholasta (4) ===
* certstore: Make certificate retrieval more robust
* client-install: Do not crash on invalid CA certificate in LDAP
* client: Fix ca_is_enabled calls
* upload_cacrt: Fix empty cACertificate in cn=CAcert

=== Martin Babinsky (3) ===
* ipa-dns-install: use STARTTLS to connect to DS
* migrate-ds: print out failed attempts when no users/groups are migrated
* show the exception message thrown by dogtag._parse_ca_status during 

=== Martin Bašti (7) ===
* DNSSEC add support for CKM_RSA_PKCS_OAEP mechanism
* Fix memory leaks in ipap11helper
* Remove unused method from ipap11pkcs helper module
* DNS fix: do not traceback if unsupported records are in LDAP
* DNS fix: do not show part options for unsupported records
* DNS: remove NSEC3PARAM from records
* Fix dead code in ipap11helper module

=== Martin Košek (1) ===
* Remove references to GPL v2.0 license

=== Nathan Kinder (1) ===
* Timeout when performing time sync during client install

=== Petr Voborník (2) ===
* ipatests: add missing ssh object classes to idoverrideuser
* Become IPA 4.1.4

=== Petr Špaček (3) ===
* p11helper: standardize indentation and other visual aspects of the code
* p11helper: use sizeof() instead of magic constants
* p11helper: clarify error message

=== Simo Sorce (2) ===
* Add a clear OpenSSL exception.
* Stop including the DES algorythm from openssl.

=== Sumit Bose (7) ===
* ipa-range-check: do not treat missing objects as error
* Add configure check for cwrap libraries
* extdom: handle ERANGE return code for getXXYYY_r() calls
* extdom: make nss buffer configurable
* extdom: return LDAP_NO_SUCH_OBJECT to the client
* extdom: fix memory leak
* extdom: fix wrong realloc size

=== Tomáš Babej (3) ===
* ipatests: Add coverage for adding and removing sshpubkeys in ID overrides
* ipalib: Make sure correct attribute name is referenced for fax
* idviews: Use case-insensitive detection of Default Trust View

=== Thierry Bordaz (1) ===
* Limit deadlocks between DS plugin DNA and slapi-nis
Petr Vobornik

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